“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

—Matthew 11:28


What I do:

I help people learn how to recognize God's Presence and receive His Love—which often happens when we make ourselves still.

Many people in the Bay Area are living at a breakneck pace — under constant pressure to accomplish and achieve more and always be faster, better, and smarter. By slowing down, being quiet and still before God, and spending time in focused, contemplative prayer, we can learn to counter the pressures that face many of us.

Spiritual direction is about prayerful attention. Instead of offering advice or attempting to solve a problem, I help you notice the movement of God in your life and the stirrings and longings in your spirit. My ministry is one of listening, with one ear tuned to the Holy Spirit and the other tuned to your story. No agenda. No achievement plan. Just time and space set apart to draw near to the living God. Throughout this process the Holy Spirit is the ultimate director.


“Spiritual direction is, in reality, nothing more than a way of leading us to see and obey the real Director — the Holy Spirit hidden in the depths of our soul.”

— Thomas Merton


Shabazz had to extend the garden to her front lawn but even then, it wasn’t enough to feed all who wanted to be involved. With neighbors January Blum and Lucas Dupont, Shabazz found a large vacant lot on Main Street and secured it as a farming cooperative. Word about Project Sprout spread throughout Kent County, so the team was invited to help start other community gardens.

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Our Mission

Kent County is one of the most severely underserved communities in Tennessee. To combat this adversity, Project Sprout seeks to nourish our neighbors at the most fundamental level with healthy food options and a strong support network. All members get a portion of each harvest and surpluses are donated to low-income families whose work schedules prevent them from volunteering.



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With ten gardens and counting, Project Sprout has seen a significant improvement in mental and physical health for all participating community members. Other than lowering obesity, blood pressure, and depression rates, the crime rate has also fallen. Our children are doing better in school, reporting higher grades and aspirations, and better job prospects.

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Get Involved

If you live near one of our gardens, get involved to receive portions of each harvest. We accept volunteers regardless of skill level. There is a rotation in roles, but we’ll teach you all the skills you need to know. Teenagers 14 years and older can earn community service credits for school in addition to getting produce for their families. Donations are also vital to our growth, as we use them for seed, fertilizer, tools, and outreach.

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Many people in the Bay Area are living at a breakneck pace — under constant pressure to accomplish and achieve more and always be faster, better, and smarter. By slowing down, being quiet and still before God, and spending time in focused, contemplative prayer, we can learn to counter the pressures that face many of us.

Spiritual direction is about prayerful attention. Instead of offering advice or attempting to solve a problem, I help you notice the movement of God in your life and the stirrings and longings in your spirit. My ministry is one of listening, with one ear tuned to the Holy Spirit and the other tuned to your story. No agenda. No achievement plan. Just time and space set apart to draw near to the living God. Throughout this process the Holy Spirit is the ultimate director.