What I do:
Help people recognize God's presence and receive His Love.
Many people in the Bay Area live at a breakneck pace — under pressure to achieve more and always be faster, better, and smarter. By slowing down, being quiet and still before God, and spending time in focused, contemplative prayer, we can learn to counter the pressures that face many of us.
Spiritual direction is about prayerful attention. Instead of offering advice or attempting to solve a problem, I help you notice the movement of God in your life and the stirrings and longings in your spirit. My ministry is one of listening, with one ear tuned to the Holy Spirit and the other tuned to your story. No agenda. No achievement plan. Just time and space set apart to draw near to the living God. Throughout this process the Holy Spirit is the ultimate director.

who I work with
People who are looking for a closer relationship and more intimacy with God.
Many people come to me with an overall weariness of the soul. Due to the career-focused culture of the Bay Area, I work with many mid-career adults who are in the midst of challenging life situations and are trying to discern God’s will for their next steps. I also enjoy working with pastors, ministry leaders, missionaries, and people in recovery. Because of my background, I have a heart for people from different ethnic and multicultural backgrounds.